Rural Assistance Nepal

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History - what has RAN done so far?
Update 2020

End of term exams at Deusa Secondary School
(Mary Nachi Tam)

During the past year, RAN has continued contributing to the salaries of some teachers teaching in Deusa and the midwife in Okaldunga. Medical students from several countries have come as volunteers at Tamekoshi Cooperative Hospital in Ramechapp District and various clinics and healthposts where Dr Suman Karmachayra offers support.

After the earthquake, temporary
classrooms built from bamboo at
the school in Deusa
(Mani Ram Rai)

RAN has continued to pay most of the salary of Parwati BK, teacher of math and science, and contributed to salaries of Hira Rai, the nursery teacher and Tanka Rai, the school's deputy head teacher. The salary of Kamala Rai, the midwife at the government clinic in Okaldunga is supported by three friends and RAN.

The charity is very small and increasingly the requirements of the Charity Commission have made it impracticable to continue as a registered charity. As of 2020, the charity will continue exactly as before, but as a private charity. Friends who are donating money to support the salaries of the midwife and teachers continue to support RAN. RAN will continue assisting medical volunteers to volunteer at Tamekoshi Hospital.

Thanks for all the help

As always, much of the great work RAN is able to do is thank to all the medics who help out at Tamekoshi Hospital. Thanks also go to HexN for their continuing support to Tamekoshi Hospital that not only helps pay for the health camps run by Tamekoshi Hospital but has also provided the hospital with useful equipment.

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mani Ram Rai)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)

(Photo credit: Mary Nachi Tam)
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